What is the difference between SQL, Oracle, MySQL, and SQL Server?
Ask The Science Latest Questions
What Skills Does a Data Engineer Need?
Mention some of Hadoop’s key attributes.
Describe the fundamental idea underlying the Apache Hadoop Framework.
How does orchestration work?
How does schema evolution work?
Which two messages does NameNode get from DataNode?
As a data engineer, how would you go about creating a new analytical product?
Differentiate between a data engineer and data scientist.
What are the differences between an operational database and a data warehouse?
What does a skewed table mean in Hive?
Can you create more than one table in Hive for the same data file?
Describe the purpose of the .hiverc file in Hive.
Describe how Hive is used in the Hadoop ecosystem.
List the elements of the Hive data model.
What does SerDe in the Hive mean?
What role does Apache Hadoop’s distributed cache play?
Describe the HDFS Safe mode.
Define Balancer in HDFS.
What is Hadoop’s “Data Locality?”
Why does Hadoop employ the context object?
What occurs if a user submits a new job when NameNode is down?
What are the Secondary NameNode’s functions?
Explain “rack awareness.”
How do you turn off the HDFS Data Node’s Block Scanner?
List the standard port numbers on which Hadoop’s task tracker, NameNode, and job tracker operate.
What does FIFO entail?
What is big data?
What does Hadoop’s Heartbeat mean?
How can you achieve security in Hadoop?